A gigantic map of all the cool plaques in the world. A project of 99% Invisible.

High Bridge

HIGH BRIDGE HIGH BRIDGE First cantilever bridge built on the American continent. Most remarkable bridge in US when constructed in 1876. Marked the beginning of modern scientific bridge building....

First cantilever bridge built on
the American continent. Most
remarkable bridge in US when
constructed in 1876. Marked the
beginning of modern scientific
bridge building. It was designed
by Charles Schaler Smith and
built for the Cincinnati Southern
Railroad. Bridge replaced in 1911.
using same foundations, without
stopping rail service.

Highest railroad bridge in US over
a navigable stream
(308 feet).
Planned as suspension bridge for
Lexington and Danville R. R. by
John Roebling, designer of famous
Brooklyn Bridge (N. Y. City). Huge
stone towers to hold cables built
in 1851. Work on bridge abandoned
during Civil War. Towers removed
in 1929 by Southern Railroad to
permit double tracks.

Submitted by Charlie Eaton

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