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Our Mining Heritage

YELLOWKNIFE HERITAGE 2015 OUR MINING LEGACY  Since the early days of Yellow knife, mining has been a major part of the local economy. In 1934, Jonny Baker and Hugh Muir discovered gold on the...


Since the early days of Yellow knife, mining has been a major part of the local economy. In 1934, Jonny Baker and Hugh Muir discovered gold on the shore of Yellowknife Bay, starting a staking rush and the birth of the community. Con Mine produced gold from 1938-2003, Negus Mine from 1939-1952, and Giant Mine from 1948-2004.

Beginning in 1946, residents would gather at this park for picnics and games. Kids' races, baseball, and special events were held here. Mining contests were a community favourite, with the strongest miners showing off their underground skills. It was at this rock outcrop where the 'jackleg' drilling contests were held. The jackleg is a type of drill used to make holes in preparation for blasting the rock. Many of the drilled holes are still visible. Notice the park bench nearby, made from jackleg drills. 

On top of the rock sits a 'diamond' drill rig and tripod. This type of drill is used to bore a small hole into rock and pull up a cross-sectional core sample. The core shows geologists the characteristics of the surrounding rock. The drill is studded with diamonds, which allows it to easily cut through rock.

Submitted by Darren Platt

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