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Yellow Fever Memorial, Martyrs Park

In grateful memory of the sacrifice of the heroes and heroines of Memphis in the 1870's, who gave their lives serving the victims of the yellow fever. Thousands died and thousands fled during...

In grateful memory of the sacrifice of the heroes and heroines of Memphis in the 1870's, who gave their lives serving the victims of the yellow fever. Thousands died and thousands fled during several epidemics. The last one, in 1879, devastated the city, leaving few survivors. The acts of love and courage far beyond the call of duty, merited the gratitude and admiration of the citizens of Memphis, and of the world, as history revealed the story. "Greater love than this no one has. That one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13 January 5, 1971 Dr. Aaron Boom Rev. Msgr. Joseph E. Leppert A.M. Sommers Fred P. Gattas Mrs. Robert W. Shafer Mrs. Louis A. Klitzner Judge Harry C. Pierotti

Submitted by Shelby County Register's Office / Archives.

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